Where once there was rubble and some of the tallest weeds only a deer could love, there is now a beautiful, flourishing and magical garden. After a fire destroyed their neighbor’s house, the owners of this unique and lovely home decided to buy the land upon which it stood. Never having much room for a garden before the fire, it was their dream to be able to enjoy an outdoor space with a Mediterranean bent. With the possible addition of a new structure down the road, the Goodmans designed the garden with that in mind. The house is now surrounded by multiple places to relax in, to entertain, to wander through, and a most prolific and delicious vegetable garden. These outdoor spaces add so much to the house being connected to the land it sits on. The front entry - too many steps without landings, high risers and short treads are a pet peeve of the Goodmans. Changing it greatly enhanced the charm of this home. Stepped rock walls replaced sloping concrete, reconfiguring the stairs created a new, much improved sense of entry, safer, more comfortable - it looks like it was always like it is now.