A slice of Tucson in Albany. Very clear on the direction the homeowners of this charming home wanted to go, they set the tone for the garden and worked closely with the Goodmans to have that vision take shape. In the front, low maintenance, low water, keeping the existing trees - a more comfortable driveway and front path were the main parameters. By adding steps with deeper treads and lower risers, accompanied by new stepped balustrades, an arbor, the entrance became more inviting, more comfortable, level out and safer. Beautiful handrails by Mr. Handrail, of Richmond, added a lovely detail to the Southwestern feel.
The backyard already had good bones, a nicely sized and shaped patio and trellis. With some tweaking - boxes for vegetables, paths, stone retaining walls, some new planting beds, the back garden has become a wonderful living space to relax in as well as to reap from. Their green thumbs have created some of the best vegetables around.